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أحدث أبحاثى

الأبحاث العلمية

Cytotoxic evaluation of new polyhydroxylated steroids from the Red Sea soft coral Litophyton mollis (Macfadyen, 1936)
Natural Product Research (Taylor & Francis)
Ahmed H Eissa, Asmaa M Abdel-Tawab, El Sayed AE Hamed, Fawzia Z El-Ablack, Seif-Eldin N. Ayyad

New Cytotoxic Monoalkyl Glycerol Ether from the Red Sea Soft Coral Nephthea mollis
Chemistry & Biodiversity (Wiley Online Library)
Ahmed Hassan Eissa, Asmaa M Abdel-Tawab, El Sayed AE Hamed, Fawzia Z El-Ablack, Seif-Eldin N Ayyad

Cytotoxic and anti-bacterial evaluation of two new aromatic A-ring steroids isolated from the Red Sea soft coral Dendronephthya spp.
Natural Product Research (Taylor & Francis)
Ahmed H Eissa, Asmaa M Abdel-Tawab, Fawzia Z El-Ablack, Seif-Eldin N Ayyad

Bio-active sesquiterpenoids and norsesquiternoids from the Red Sea octocoral Rhytisma fulvum fulvum
Natural Product Research (Taylor & Francis)
Seif-Eldin Nasr Ayyad, Mohamed Ali Deyab
Tamer Kosbar
Walied Mohamed Alarif
Ahmed Hassan Eissa

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