كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدنى أن ارحب بزيارتكم وأجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات الموقع فأهلا بكم.
صلاح كامل محمد اللبنى، أستاذ متفرغ بقسم: الفيزياء، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى
* Face-to-Face Collisions of Bright and Dark Ion Acoustic Solitons in Superthermal Electrons for Different Geometrical Configurations
* Cylindrical Three-Dimensional Dust-Ion Acoustic Propagation in Plasmas
* Solutions of nonplanar KP-equations for dusty plasma system with GE-method

الأبحاث العلمية

The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 1986
SK El-Labany,
G Rowlands

Stability of three-dimensional obliquely propagating dust acoustic waves in dusty plasma including the polarization force effect
Physics of Plasmas
SK El-Labany
WF El-Taibany
NA Zedan

The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 1986
S. K. El-Labany
G. Rowlands

Effect of dust-charge fluctuations on dust acoustic solitary waves in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma with nonextensive electrons
Physics of Plasmas
SK El-Labany
EF El-Shamy
WF El-Taibany
NA Zedan

The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 1986
S. K. El-Labany
G. Rowlands

Nonplanar dynamics of variable size dust grains in nonextensive dusty plasma
Physics of Plasmas
RE Tolba
WM Moslem
NA El-Bedwehy
SK El-Labany

Effect of dust-charge fluctuations on dust acoustic solitary waves in an inhomogeneous dusty plasma with nonextensive electrons
Physics of Plasmas
SK El-Labany
EF El-Shamy
WF El-Taibany
NA Zedan

Astrophysics and space science 1988
MH Haggag, HM Machali, S El-Labany, MT Attia

The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 1986
S. K. El-Labany
G. Rowlands

Quantum dust acoustic waves in ultra-dense dusty plasma
Physics of Plasmas
ME Yahia,
RE Tolba,
NA El-Bedwehy,
SK El-Labany,
WM Moslem

Nonplanar dynamics of variable size dust grains in nonextensive dusty plasma
Physics of Plasmas
RE Tolba
WM Moslem
NA El-Bedwehy
SK El-Labany

The non-linear two-stream problem-a new approach
Plasma physics and controlled fusion 1986
S. K. El-Labany
G. Rowlands

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