كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدنى أن ارحب بزيارتكم وأجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات الموقع فأهلا بكم.
أ.م.د/ محمد عبد الجليل احمد عبد العال، أستاذ مساعد بقسم: علوم البيئة، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى

الأبحاث العلمية

Influence of Wind-Generated waves on Mediterranean Sea Beaches along Northern Sinai, Egypt.
Proceeding of the 7th Conf. Geology of Sinai for Development. Ismailia, PP. 199-209.
Abdel Galil, M.

Mediterranean Seawater Chemical Characteristics along and around the Navigation Canal of Damietta Sea Port, Damietta Governorate, Egypt.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 30, PP. 1-26.
Abdel Galil, M.
Hamed, M. A.

Sedimentological significance and brine chemistry of recent coastal sabkha, northwest Libya.
Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Vol. 22, pp. 135-158.
Abdel Galil, M.
ALShoshan, E.

Sedimentation problem along the navigation canal of Damietta sea port, Damietta Governorate, Egypt.
The Third International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Vol. (I), PP. 99-115.
Abdel Galil, M.

Chemical characteristics of ground water along the area between wadi Libda and wadi Kaam, northwest Libya.
The 14th Arab Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (ACC-14), Libyian Petroleum Institute (Feb. 2008), Tripoli, Libya.
Okasha, A. Y.
Elatrash, M.
Abdel Galil, M.

Study on ancient Libda Sea Port and its beach characteristics, Libda City, Libya.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 32, (2006), PP. 157-175.
ElAtrash, M
Abdel Galil, M
Okasha, A. Y. A

Geo-Environmental study on Al-Mergib Resorts, Northwestern Libya.
The Fifth International Conference on the Geology of Africa, Assiut, Egypt.
Abu Arabia, H.
Abdel Galil, M.

Assessment of sand transported by wind along the ancient Libda city beach and its impact on the ancient constructions, Libya.
The Second Basic Sciences Conference, Al-Fateh University (Nov. 2007), Tripoli, Libya.
Abdel Galil, M.
ElAtrash, M.
Abu Arabia, H.
Okasha, A. Y.

Marine erosion and the protection constructions along Al-Khums headland, Al-Khums City, Libya.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 35, PP. 1-17.
Abdel Galil, M.
ElAtrash, M.
Abu Arabia, H.

Effect of protective constructions on sediment characteristics along Burg El-Burullus and Baltim resort, Egypt.
Sedimentology of Egypt, Vol. 16, PP. 63-73 .
Mostafa, M. I.
Abdel Galil, M.

Differentiation between beach and coastal dunes sands using surface features of some heavy minerals grains, El-Burg area, Egypt.
Mansoura Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 34 (1), PP. 17-36.
Abdel Galil, M.

Beach changes along the Eastern Nile Delta coast and its relation with the coastal processes and the constructed detached breakwaters, Egypt.
Sedimentology of Egypt, Vol. 14, PP. 29-40
Abdel Galil, M.

Effect of wind generated waves on the beach configuration and heavy minerals distribution around Rosetta promontory, Egypt.
Journal of King Abdulaziz University, Marine Sciences, Vol. 16, PP. 3-24
Abdel Galil, M.
Mostafa, M. I.
Essa, M.

Shore erosion and protection constructions at Tripoli Sea Port area, Libya.
Journal of Environmental Sciences, Vol. 37, PP. 239-256.
Abdel Galil, M.

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