\_The Utilization Of Locomotion Systems In Creatures And It`s Impact In Functional Design Of Products\_

05-06-2016 08:56
  • Abstract:


Nature has an enormous diversity of amazing creatures ,that are different and vary in forms, systems , behavior and ways to adapt to diverse environments, so they represent a wellspring of inspiration ideas and creative design solutions . always designer should  has a closer look at nature , through its examination and study and analysis.

Locomotion systems in living organisms are considered one of the most important elements of nature that should be studied  by the industrial designer, in order to inspire the design of the moving parts and motor systems in products, Locomotion systems consist of parts and structural components that have specific  shape and installation, , which are connected to each other to able to perform type or more of the different forms of movement that organism can be carry out.


There are a lot of products that takes its inspiration design from the Locomotion systems of living organisms, and by studying and analyzing of these products we can know how inspire creative ideas for functional design of the products.









1- Title.


_The Utilization Of Locomotion Systems In Creatures And It`s Impact In Functional Design Of Products_


2- The Issue of research.

   locomotion systems design Considered one of the big challenges in the field of industrial design, especially with the widespread use of automated systems (robot), which differ in design depending on the functions to be achieved. Therefore, the industrial designer needs to understand the elements and relations of the different parts of   locomotion systems in living organisms, also having a new and creative methods of thinking which help to inspire effective alternatives and treatments for designing locomotion systems at products.


3- The Target of research:

      Expand the sources of inspiration to the designer through the studing of the most important elements of locomotion systems in living organisms.


4-  The importance of research

The importance of research Represented in:

  • help and increase innovation and designing capabilities of the industrial designer and help expand the perceptions of the designer.
  • increase efficiency and effectiveness in the performance of products, which include moving parts.



  • study an important aspect of the installation and structure of organisms (locomotion systems), so as to help in the design and development of products.


5- Description.

Thesis presented contains 234 pages, rather than those stated by the thanks and appreciation of the pages, the adoption of the letter, Table of Contents, index tables, index formats, and extract and a summary of the letter in English.


Thesis in its section included five chapters as following:


Chapter one: “Introduction to the research “ , contains (10) pages.

Chapter Two:  “previous studies “ , contains (156) pages.

Chapter Three: “analysis and experimental studies “, contains (42) pages.

Chapter four: “findings and recommendations and references”, contains (26) pages.


The master axis :


The study of the master subject has been dealt with in five main themes as follows:


First Axis:

  the first axis focuses on the relationship between design and nature  through a brief history, and the importance of the nature of the designer, and the laws that organize the relationship between nature and design, designs and trends related to nature, then addressed the concept of inspiration, and methods of inspiration from nature, then a statement stages inspiration from nature through the concepts , boincs , biomimitics, biomimicry, ecomimicry.


second axis.

   The second axis has focused on the locomotion systems in living organisms, the concept and the types of systems, the concept and types of movement at living organisms and its dividing, then addressed how the mechanism at motor system work with living organisms by clarifying its components (skeletal , muscular , nervous), analytical and descriptive study of the characteristics of a number of organisms.

The third axis.

    The third axis has focused on the  design of mechanical systems at organisms through having some of types of movement in organisms,such as (flying and jump), also was exposed to the concept of robots and its components and its applications.

The fourth axis.

    The researcher carries out analytical study showing the possibility of benefiting from the locomotion systems of living organisms in the product design. Designing some preliminary designs inspired from the locomotion systems of living organisms

 The Fifth axis.

Finally  findings of the researche and recommendations . Where the findings was included a group of simplified tables of locomotion systems that can be inspired by a number of different organisms. It was also proposed a program of steps to be followed when we need to inspire from from the locomotion systems of living organisms, as well as references and sources that have been referenced in the access to data and information.