كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدني أن أرحب بكم وبزيارتكم لموقعي متمنيا أن أقدم لكم من خلاله صورة معبرة عني وأرجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات هذا الموقع فأهلا ومرحبا بكم.
أ.د/ الشحات ابو مسلم طوسون الفرحاتي، أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية بقسم الكيمياء - كلية العلوم - جامعة دمياط.

أحدث أبحاثى
* Occupational exposure to gasoline in gasoline station male attendants promotes M1 polarization in macrophages
* Hepatoprotective activity and free radical scavenging against induction of CCl4 in an experimental model using dendronaphthya crude extract loaded chitosan nanocarrier
* Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding/cleavage, cytotoxic, apoptotic, and antibacterial activities of V(IV), Mo(VI), and Ru(II) complexes containing a bioactive ONS‐donor chelating agent

المقررات التعليمية

مقرر اختياري (506 ك ح)

كيمياء المناعة (504 ك ح)

كيمياء البروتينات واألحماض األمينية - الفيتامينات (302 ك ح)
vitamins V (2h/w)- Structure and function of the water soluble vitamins(thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, vitamin B 12 , folic acid and vitamin C)- Biomedical importance of vitamins.- Structure and function of the lipid soluble vitamins (vitamins A,D,E,K) and their biomedical importance.Practical part

كيمياء البروتينات واألحماض األمينية - الفيتامينات (302 ك ح)
vitamins V (2h/w)- Structure and function of the water soluble vitamins(thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, vitamin B 12 , folic acid and vitamin C)- Biomedical importance of vitamins.- Structure and function of the lipid soluble vitamins (vitamins A,D,E,K) and their biomedical importance.Practical part

كيمياء الانسجة (304 ك ح)
Histochemistry (2h/w):1-General histochemical techniques , Tissue chemistry , Immunohistochemistry, Cancer biology, Connective tissues, Collagen , elastin, fibronectin, proteoglycan and others. Muscles (an Overview of muscle contraction , The contractile system), The role of ATP in contraction (The mechanism of contraction, Sources of energy for muscular work), Adipose tissues and the role of liver in lipid metabolism, Bone structures and functions .

الانزيمات والهرمونات (303 ك ح)
Theoretical part (4h/w):Nomenclature & classification of enzymes , Enzymes active sites & catalytic cycle of enzymes, Lock & key Model, Induced – Fit Model of enzyme action, Factors affecting enzyme activity (Temperature, pH, Enzyme concentration, Substrate concentration & Inhibitors) , An introduction to Enzyme kinetics. Introduction to endocrinology, Sites of hormone production, Mechanisms of Hormonal action & cell signaling, Pituitary gland hormones (Hormones of Anterior lobe of Pituitary gland) , hormones of middle & posterior lobes of pituitary gland , thyroid gland hormones, hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism , parathyroid gland hormones, hypoparathyroidism& hyperparathyroidism , pancreatic gland hormones , gastric hormones & gonadal hormones & placental hormones.Practical Partintroduction and classification of enzymes.Relationship between the enzymatic activity and temperature, concentration , pH of the reaction.Rennin action on milk clotting ,specificity of enzyme action ( relative and absolute substrate specificty .Estimation of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase in serum.Non-competitive inhibition of catalase in blood, estimation of α-amylase activity in serum, saliva amylase digesion of starch and the achromic point , factors affecting salivary amylase ,principle of hormonal assay, revision.

كيمياء البروتينات واألحماض الأ مينيةو الفيتامينات (302 ك ح)
Structure and function of the water soluble vitamins(thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, biotin, vitamin B 12 , folic acid and vitamin C)- Biomedical importance of vitamins.- Structure and function of the lipid soluble vitamins (vitamins A,D,E,K) and their biomedical importance.