كلمة لزائرى الموقع

Prof. Entsar A. Saad is Professor of Biochemistry at Damietta University (Egypt). She completed her under and graduate studies with a Ph.D. _ Mansoura University (Egypt). She is a member of the Egyptian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. يسعدنى أن ارحب بزيارتكم وأرجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات الموقع فأهلا بكم.
د. انتصار على على سعد، استاذ بقسم: الكيمياء، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى
* Therapeutic potential of Ni (II) Schiff base complex on CCl4 toxicity
* Palladium (II) Schiff base complex arrests cell cycle at early stages, induces apoptosis, and reduces Ehrlich solid tumor burden: a new candidate for tumor therapy
* Occupational exposure to gasoline in gasoline station male attendants promotes M1 polarization in macrophages

المقررات التعليمية

Basics of Biological Radiation
Basics of Biological Radiation 206 Biochem تانية حيوي معتمدة 2020

Photosynthesis, and Ecological biology
Photosynthesis, and Ecological biology 405 Biochem, 4th year Biochemistry Students

Food chemistry and analysis
For Diploma

Human Nutrition
For Diploma

Physiological Biochemistry
For Diploma

Amino acids and proteins
For second year Chemistry students

Liver and kidney physiology
diploma biostudents

Regulation of metabolism
higher studies biostudents

higher studies biostudents

Organic chemistry V
Fourth year education chemistry students

non-specialized students

Fourth year biostudents

Water and minerals metabolism
Third year biostudents

Lipids and fatty acids chemistry
Third year biostudents