Fashion Sociology and Clothing Techniques for University Student

28-03-2013 11:27

Closes play great important role in human life generally and especially youth as it represent to an important side in daily life with appearance either indoors or out of doors .

Clothes are an intimate parts of our-selves as the individual possesses clothes and unites with them in order to gain his own distinetive qualities like his own finger – prints and become a method to reflect his identity and express his clothing individuality .

Each society has a type of clothing that distinguishes each society in a definite image .

This type changes in the unit whole according to partial cultures contained into it . Clothes reflect its culture and express this community .

Clothes are considered the resultant of each of prevailing religion &  culture and the economical and social level of the individual and the level of education .

Clothes are considered a part of the body_s image and complementary os self-image of the female_s concept of her-self .

The explanation of the changes accruing now in the Egyptian society can be referred to the girl_s wishes to make social matching .

Often , girls incline towards apparel and fashions , and prefer among them that excite attention . They also prefer the kinds of clothes designed according to latest fashions . Thus clothes become the subject of basic interest _ girls and the main point in their talks , of the age between 17-24 .

The best clothes are those which help to give positive impression and allow expressing the individuality in the form of clothes . Seen by others when they look at the preson , and they remember this personality in its frame or through it afterwards .

It is clear that girls on presenting their choices for their clothing , they relate these _ions with their personal logic , and thus used as a way to express their – selves . And also show that approval make who put them on , with more closes as an essential social tool in girl_s lives.