Hindrances of International Publication of Egyptian Educational Researches from the Staff Members\' Point of View at Damietta University

24-02-2019 11:19

International research publication is considered one of the important issues
that contribute to improving competition among universities as well as taking
advanced positions in world ranking of universities. However, it is noticed
that international publication at many Egyptian universities in general, and at
Damietta University in particular, is low when compared to that of other
countries, especially in the fields of educational sciences. Through communicating
with the teaching staff members of the educational faculties of Damietta
University, the current study tries to find out the hindrances that prevent
publication in international journals with impact factor. This research
used quantitative and qualitative techniques to collect and analyze data. Interviews
and questionnaires were the principal data collection tools for the
study. Conclusions: The main causes of these hindrances are the high cost of
international publication, the less knowledge of publication rules and standards
of world publication journals and many other hindrances. The results
of data analysis showed that there is a direct relationship between a staff
member who got his/her PhD from a foreign country, especially an English
speaking one, and his/her interest and success in publishing his/her researches
in impact factor international journals. The results of this study can
be applied to other universities in Egypt or in other countries which speak
English as a second language.

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