The Innovation of Textile Printing Designs Matching Needs of University Students

14-04-2013 12:37

Today, all people in that world live in a rapid development, with many variables and frequently innovations characterized by change and continuing evaluation that affect the consumers_ tastes and needs, which vary _ state to state & place to place.


As a result, more technical and specialized scientific studies on the female university students are needed to know their requirements & identify their needs of printed fabrics that suit their tastes and natures. Adolescents have clear interests to follow clothing and fashion. It is one of the most important tendencies that arise out clearly at this age. A natural tendency evolves according to their growth.   


So, the production of fabrics must mainly rely on their tendencies as they are the consumers, its design must be subject to special specifications and have a range of properties to be satisfied by girls.


In the light of the great advances in modern societies, students become no longer accept clothes that hamper their work and movement, but they are more inclined to clothes that are comfortable & simple. This makes designers pay attention to achieve the aesthetic requirements generally in clothes & especially in fabrics for the female university students in particular (the main consumer in this study).

There is no doubt, that the printing designs which satisfy the students_ desires and receive their admiration is a step in the success of the designer in his task.  The next step is to achieve the compatibility between this and the structural designs of clothes through the success of the functional applications on the proposed designs in a fashion consistent with the trends of the students.


In general, if the printing designs have no aesthetic, adequate and suitable appearance, it will not be acceptable by the consumers. And the printed fabrics become completely integrated when the aesthetic appearance becomes available and at the same time leads to its purpose.


The current research focuses on creating designs for the female university students, suitable to print it on their fabric clothes, taking into account the theory which we will study in this research.

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