Personality appearance clarity of character of Egyptian regional architecture and its impact on the decorative arts and environmental beauty

05-04-2015 12:20

This research deals the topic of _ Factors clarity architectural character of the Egyptian and how to apply them in the current architecture _ by covering the theoretical side of the subject of architectural character, then tracking study the starting line and the development history of the Egyptian architect during different ages, and in line parallel as well as study models of Egyptian architecture thoroughbred found in Egypt , to devise corners style fit that puts the designer in front of him to design a new works which offers Egyptian spirit.  The goal of which is to consolidate the spirit of belonging to the homeland.

Illustrates this by examining and discussing the three main axes...

The first axis ... under the title _character and architectural identity_ and includes three points,  the first point discusses the architectural character and related Scientific terms such as, Architectural style , identity and fiber optics, and how to recognize those elements and what the impact of these the viewer on the psyche of the recipient. The second point describes the factors and reasons that influenced the shape of the elements of Architectural character of the place. Third point is to try to develop a plan to follow and devise forms of architectural character anywhere during field visits, understands the form of character anywhere.

       The second axis... under the title _Building the Egyptian regions_, and includes two points, the first point to discuss the features of Egyptian architecture.  Clarifying define the personality of Egypt in the geographical location and climate, personal and technical architecture. And track the evolution of the form of the Egyptian architecture of the ancient Egyptian era to the present day. The second point is studying the side of authentic Egyptian architecture, which was far from the changes and distortion, and maintained a beautiful form. The study included rural architecture, architecture and the desert, and the Nubian architecture.

The third axis ... under the title _The impact of the study of the architectural character the decorative arts and environmental beauty_ and included two points, the first point to clarify the role of the designer in how to take advantage of the stages of the previous study.  And how to apply the new designs to reflect the spirit of the character the Egyptian crossing for our originality and belonging. In order to show the role of the designer is Innovation, Not transportation and reproduction. Then the second part includes some theses that illustrate the idea of ​​research, which is part of applied research.