Effect of biofertilization and salicyilic acid on the morphological characteristics of citrus root stock (Citrus aurantium) under salinity stress

24-09-2015 11:05

During the two successive seasons of (2012/13)and (2013/14), two pot experiments were carried out in a nursery of agriculture faculty, Pomology department, Damietta university to investigate the effect of salinity tolerance of citrus root-stock sour orange under application of bio fertilization (Azotobacter and Azospirillum) and salicylic acid under salinity stress ( 0, 5 and 10 ds/m). The achieved results showed that the effect of salinity levels were significantly decreased  most of  vegetative growth parameters and  leaf pigments, but this reduction was ameliorated by application of salisyilic acid and mixed bacteria. Application of salicyilic acid  and mixed bacteria used _Azotobacter and Azosospirrillum_ in combination with salinity water at 5ds/m significantly increase  vegetative characteristics such as shoot length, new area shoot diameter and new leaves per seedlings Therefore, using high concentration of salts _10ds/m_ was not preferable to sour orange seedlings  due to it_s decrease on all vegetative parameters measured.