Effect the Industrial Process and the Storage Periods on the Nutritional Value of Tomato Juice

27-04-2016 18:46

In this study, the effect of processing and storage time on the chemical composition, physical properties and active compound contents of raw and tomato juice was evaluated. The raw tomato had 95% of moisture, 5% total soluble solids, acidity 0.45, PH4.2, 15.6mg vitamin C/100g, 31.5 mg/ kg lycopene, phenolic compound 22.68 mg GAE /kg and flavonoids 6.43 mg RE /kg. The study investigated the effect of storage for tomato juice during 18 months in zero times, 6months, 12 months and 18 months, there was slightly differences through this period in PH from 4.5 to 4.2, acidity from 0.81 to 0.65, phenolic compound between 34.18 and 30.2 mg GAE /kg, flavonoids ranged from 10.51 to 9.0 mg RE /kg vitamin C ranged from 24.50 to 20.18 mg /100g and lycopene from 85.41 to 79.22mg /Kg.

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