Effect of Keller strategy on cognitive achievement and performance level of some of basic Skills for Beginners in judo sport.

07-04-2016 15:59

The research aims to identify _effect of Keller strategy on cognitive achievement and performance level of some of basic Skills for beginners in judo sport_, and the researcher used the experimental method for the suitability of the goal and hypotheses, using experimental design for the two groups, one experimental and the other is control, and by measurements (pre and post) for each group, and the size of the sample has reached (40)beginner learner were divided into two groups size of each (20 beginner), and the researcher based on the means and tools that work to achieve this research, the most important results referred to the superiority of the experimental group that used in the teaching program of the Keller strategyon the Control group that used in the teaching method (command method) for some basic skills of judo under research and researcher recommends taking into account the benefit of the Keller program in teaching of basic skills for beginners and further studies and researches similar to the nature of current research in games and other individual concessions