Studying The Strategy Of Designing Shock Advertising

29-11-2015 09:44

the research is about shock and its definition and the views of scientists about shock  ad  and the strategy to make advertising shocking . Also the study  is about cognitive and visual dimensions of the advertising message addressed to the recipient through shock advertising and factors associated with them . On the other hand, it deals with the impact of shock advertising with the recipient  Communication process and with the various effects of advertising  on human life, and the need to study the audience Physiology, to the difference between men and women in scaling sentiment, mental as an input to the success of communication advertising specifications depends on the success of the target audience, and also the advertising consumer behavior, studying the audience sycology , and factors influencing the trends in the recipient, and increasing the capacity of impressionism to the audience, and the study of the audience_s tilt, as an input to the shocking , and  factors of achieving a successful shock advertising communication through various techniques and new ideas, which surprises the recipient . Also the research includes an analytical and applied studying of the subject of research .