Effect of a program using some types of multiple intelligences to improve the level of skill achievement in front crawling swimming among students with learning difficulties in physical education colleges.

06-01-2019 11:03

Effect of a program using some types of multiple intelligences to improve the level of skill achievement in front crawling swimming among students with learning difficulties in physical education colleges.

Introduction: The educational system in most countries of the world is facing learning difficulties, so there are a number of standard criteria that must be available in the educational process during the teaching of students, especially those with learning difficulties. We have developed theories to explore and analyze the educational situation and calibrate it according to the abilities of the students. Research The impact on the use of some types of multiple intelligences on the level of skill achievement of students with learning disabilities to swim front crawl in the faculties of physical education

The research hypotheses: What are the multiple intelligences affecting the level of skill achievement in the front crawling of students with the difficulties of learning in the faculties of physical education 2 - There are statistically significant differences between the tribal and remote measurements for students of the second divisionThe difficulties of learning under study in the level of skill performance using some program strategy Types of multiple intelligences in the front crawling pool and for the benefit of telemetry. Research Methodology: The researcher used the experimental method to suit the nature of the research using experimental experimental design with the pre-measurement of the experimental group.

Research Sample: The research society was chosen by the second class of 18 students for the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016. These students were identified as having learning disabilities. The most important results were found to be statistically significant differences between The tribal and remote criteria of the experimental group in the level of skilled performance of the front crawl for the benefit of telemetry using some types of multiple intelligences on the level of skill achievement in the front crawling of students with learning difficulties in faculties of physical education

The most important results: There was a statistically significant difference between the tribal and remote measurements of the experimental group in the skill level of the forward crawling for the benefit of telemetry using some types of multiple intelligences on the level of skill achievement in the forward crawling of the students.

Main Conclusions: The proposed strategy using multiple intelligence activities has a positive impact on learning the front crawl swimmer who studied in the traditional way. Recommendations: Considering the proposed strategy using multiple intelligences as a basis and an important entry point in swimming education for students with learning difficulties in college.