the effectiveness of a program using the transfer of learning effect to harmonize the similar skill in handball to master the basic skills and scoring of beginners in water polo.

06-01-2019 11:30

The effectiveness of a program using the transfer of learning effect to harmonize the similar skill in handball to master the basic skills and scoring of beginners in water polo.

The phenomenon of transmission of learning has received increasing attention from scientists and specialists in the field of learning of different movements. There is no doubt that the transmission of learning effect occurs in all forms and attempts to learn sports skills. This has been proven by many experiments and studies conducted by psychologists and learning in the field of motor learning since the beginning This century, the goal of the research: to recognize the effectiveness of a program using the transfer of the impact of learning to harmonize the performance of similar skills in handball to master the basic skills and scoring for beginners in water polo Study Sample: 170 students were selected from the first grade in Benin. The most important results The experimental group that used the program to transfer the learning effect from the similar performance in handball applied to the control group that used the method used (verbal explanation and performance of the practical model) Under study) in water polo.
