The Effectiveness of the Sculptor Designer in Architectural Forming Systems

09-05-2015 07:31

Abstract The lack of knowledge of the parameters and architecture of historical and assets and the weakness of the enthusiasm for new developments the creative process of architectural composition of the latest changes in kind of visual confusion which led to the weakness of the aesthetic value of the building. And despite what the sculptor in the classical architecture of the influential role and that role is clear, however, become less visible in the architecture of modern It therefore must be the restoration of aesthetic touch in the contemporary architecture because of its fundamental importance in the architectural composition, it is clear that those values can be achieved through the active role of the sculptor in a position to provide solutions in the plastic arts of the system located with the architect to complete the architectural composition of this system under the technological progress today, it is also important to detect the ambiguity and confusion about the concept of the architectural structure that has prevailed in recent times.