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Latest researches
* Strategies of organizational conflict management and its relation to the performance of the teacher to implement the curriculum of physical education for the preparatory stage in Sharkia Governorate
* The impact of a theoretical program based on the knowledge economy accompanied by the field training course on the effectiveness of the aspects of the share of physical education of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education Damietta Univers
* The impact of an education program based on concepts related to health and strength on physical health behavior For students in the preparatory stage in Sharkia Governorate

Scientific Researches

Strategies of organizational conflict management and its relation to the performance of the teacher to implement the curriculum of physical education for the preparatory stage in Sharkia Governorate
The Scientific Journal of Sports Science and Arts, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard
Sameh Hassan Abdo

The impact of a theoretical program based on the knowledge economy accompanied by the field training course on the effectiveness of the aspects of the share of physical education of the student teacher at the Faculty of Physical Education Damietta Univers
Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Helwan University.
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

The impact of an education program based on concepts related to health and strength on physical health behavior For students in the preparatory stage in Sharkia Governorate
The Scientific Journal of Sports Science and Arts, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

A model for re-engineering the development of an optional course The methods of teaching group games (volleyball) in light of the standard national standards for the program of the Teaching Division of Physical Education Colleges
The Scientific Journal of Sports Science and Arts, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

Evaluation of learning outcomes targeted to the curriculum of sport education for the preparatory stage In the light of standard national standards
The Scientific Journal of Sports Science and Arts, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

An analytical study of the activities of the scouting Curriculum for the Scouts Stage in Damietta University from the perspective of participation in public service projects and environmental development
The Scientific Journal of Sports Science and Arts, Faculty of Physical Education for Girls, Helwan University
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

The effectiveness of the use of cognitive and mental maps on the achievement of knowledge and learning some basic skills in table tennis for students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Damietta University
Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education for Boys, Banha University.
Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdulqader Zard

Effective use of Electronic Mind Maps on cognitive achievement of Education decision to Scout for Students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta
مجلة بحوث التربية الرياضية الصادرة عن كلية التربية الرياضية بنين جامعة الزقازيق ديسمبر 2010م
* D / Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Qadir

Building a knowledge test in the sport of table tennis for the college students of Physical Education
مجلة أسيوط لعلوم وفنون التربية الرياضية الصادرة عن كلية التربية الرياضية جامعة أسيوط يوليو 2011م
* D / Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Qadir

The impact of the program of the detective activities on the development of health and physical fields and the attitude towards students with deaf and dumb disabilities
المجلة الأوربية لتكنولوجيا علوم الرياضة عدد خاص بالمؤتمر العلمي الأول\_ الإبداع الرياضي\_الرياضة بين الإبداع الفكري وتأكيد الهوية نوفمبر2012م
phd : Ashraf Mohamed Abdallah .
Prof : Ahmed Mohamed Al Akad

Effective use of Electronic Mind Maps on cognitive achievement of Education decision to Scout for Students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta
مجلة بحوث التربية الرياضية الصادرة عن كلية التربية الرياضية بنين جامعة الزقازيق يناير 2013م
* D / Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Qadir

The reality of the use of the junior high school teachers teaching techniques Padres Physical Education in Damietta
المجلة العلمية لكلية التربية الرياضية للبنات بالجزيرة
* D / Ashraf Mohammed Abdullah Abdul Qadir

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