Effective use of Electronic Mind Maps on cognitive achievement of Education decision to Scout for Students of the Faculty of Physical Education in Damietta

12-03-2014 11:02

The research aims to identify the impact of the use of mind maps on electronic development of cognitive achievement in the decision of Education scout , researcher used the experimental method , and included a sample search on (24) student representing the percentage ( 68.57 %) of the society kidney Search _s (35) called for a fourth year Division of teaching , were divided into two groups experimental and control the strength of each (12 ) students , and the researcher using the tools of data collection of test cognitive units of the first three of the decision of Education Scout ( design researcher ) , a group of mental maps of electronic educational content (specified under discussion ) and that the researcher designed using special programs so a ((Free Mind0.9.0, Nova Mind5, Edraw Mind Map6, the researcher conducted a prospective study to ensure the clarity of the test cognitive under research and calculate coefficients ease and difficulty coefficient of discrimination , as well as the scientific processing of the test and calculate the time of the test , as conducted a prospective study in order to identify the difficulties that can be faced with the researcher during the application of teaching using electronic mind maps , and the researcher to conduct measurement tribal and conduct baseline study from ( 15/10-29/11/2012 m) , and the researcher used the statistical equations ( SMA - standard deviation - coefficient of ease and difficulty - coefficient of excellence - the correlation coefficient - test _T_ - alpha Cronbach ) , and was the most important results that test cognitive under discussion differentiate between students vulnerable and excellent in the cognitive aspects associated with the decision of the Education scout , the effectiveness of the use of mind maps Electronic Teaching in Education scout and superiority over the traditional method