Evaluation of learning outcomes targeted to the curriculum of sport education for the preparatory stage In the light of standard national standards

22-01-2019 10:57

The objective of the research is to evaluate the target learning outcomes of the Sports Education Curriculum for the preparatory stage in the light of the national standard criteria from the point of view of pupils (teachers, mentors, guardians) in the preparatory schools that are accredited by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation. The study sample consisted of 112 students, 37 teachers and 42 parents. The researcher used data collection tools in the forms of the learning outcomes questionnaire for the physical education curriculum for the students (teachers, (2). The correlation coefficient (Pearson). The most important results were achieved by the performance outcomes of the physical education curriculum for the students of the stage Such as: the availability of public information learned from other subjects, the high level of sports culture, and the acquisition of positive behavioral values ​​and standards such as conservation of the environment and public property, failure to achieve the performance outcomes targeted, such as: Motor, the use of electronic devices in the physical education tests, and follow the correct diet depending on the type of sports activity practitioner, learn educational skills outdoors and participate in the Scout camps