Strategy for Developing Human Resources Environment in Faculties of Education in Egypt

04-06-2016 16:59


The subject of developing human resources (developing human resources) is one of the most important subject which related to elements of production; because these human elements are basics of productive process, so this study is concentrating on importance of planning of human resources and realizing the concept of management of human development, and it_s aims, roles and benefits. Also recognizing the most strategies of management the human resources. The study aims also to identify the problems which face the human resources in faculties of education and arrives to put suggested framework to develop human resources in Faculties of Education in Egypt.


The limits of study:
Human limits: members of Faculty and workers in faculties of education.
Spatial limits: Some of the faculties of education in universities in Egypt.
Time limits: the duration which the study takes to do, duration of making             study from 2013 to 2015.

Tools of study:

The study made scale to identify the reality of human resources environment in faculties of education.


Results of study:

The study concluded with elements of developing human resources inside faculties of education are divided into:

First, environment of human resources in faculties of education should have some features:

1. Choosing the good elements who be able to innovation and development. 

2. Training workers on technology of productive performance.
3. Development and belonging of workers to their institute.

4. Increasing the productivity through developing the ability of work.

5. The qualitive planning of human resources, contributing in doing qualitive workers, which aims work innovation.    

6. Increasing use of human resources and improving productivity and reducing damages which resulting in develop. The total performance of the faculty.


Second, the scale of developing human resources environment in faculties of education contributes in identifying the nature of these recourses and trying developing it through:

1. High management should believe that the people orhumans are very important so we should treat them in a good way.

2. The used policies should facilitate human development.
3. The High management should invest other resources for human development. 

4. The High management should in crease the skills of humans instead of denying them. 

5. Management should give chance for workers who take training programs to apply them.

6. Management should give chance for workers to express their feelings.

7. The institution should have team spirit.

8. The workers can discuss their problems freely.

9. Workers should co-operate in stages of strategic planning to put frame work of the future.