Institutions Of Public Secondary Education And Their Role To Overcome The Intellectual Radicalism

04-06-2016 17:04

Summary of the study

Institutions  Of  Public Secondary  Education  And  Their  Role  To Overcome  The Intellectual  Radicalism

(Analytical  Study)

Recently, the phenomenon of  Intellectual  Radicalism has been widespread specifically among secondary students and it is one of the most violent phenomena that certainly lead to destruction of safety and stability of the society as well as its values and constants. So education is required to face this destructive danger through analyzing its fact, recognizing its reasons and dangerous impacts to make a vision for promoting the role of public secondary education institutions in overcoming the intellectual radicalism. 

 The study issue could be clarified in the following main question:-

How can the role of public secondary education institutions in Egypt be activated to overcome the intellectual radicalism?                                                   

And there are many sub questions branched from the main question as follows:-

  • what is the conceptual & theoretical frame of the intellectual radicalism?  
  • what are the roles acted by public secondary education institutions in Egypt to promote intellectual security?                                                       
  • What are the forms of intellectual radicalism within public secondary education institutions?                                                           
  • What are the most significant negative impacts resulting from the growth of intellectual radicalism within public secondary education institutions in Egypt?
  • What is the proposed vision for activating the role of public secondary education institutions in Egypt to overcome the intellectual radicalism?

The research ended to making proposed conception consisting of 6 axes as follows:-

The 1st axis: developing educational policies related to the public secondary education, this is through:

The 2nd axis: qualifying public secondary teachers in Egypt for supporting tolerance and fighting radicalism.

The 3rd axis: promoting the role of school management to address the intellectual radicalism in public secondary schools.

The 4th axis: activating the role of community system in awareness and social guidance to cooperate with public secondary education institutions to overcome the intellectual radicalism.

The 5th axis: qualifying the social specialists& psychologists in public secondary education institutions in Egypt to deal with the intellectual radicalism.

The 6th axis: applying strict controls of responsibility and accountability to activate the role of public secondary institutions in Egypt such as providing security and fighting the intellectual radicalism.