Empowering handicapped in Egypt to exercise their rights in Education in accordance with contemporary legislations

04-06-2016 17:09

Summary of the study

Empowering handicapped in Egypt to exercise their rights in Education in accordance with contemporary legislations

Egypt believes in the rights of handicapped as they partners in the Homeland contributing to a nation-building , supporting the security ,safety and stability of the nation possessing their rights and commited with their duties ,so the state is required to enable handicapped to exercise their rights in education in accordance with the contemporary legislations which has approved and guaranteed for them

the study aimed to:-

1- recognize the conceptual and legislative frames to empower the handicapped from exercising their rights in Education

2- recognize the categories of handicapped in Egypt accessable to learn and their patterns of learning

3- highlight the reality of handicapped possessing the right of education in light of the contemporary legislations

4- display the significant universal trends that support empowerment of handicapped to exercise their rights in education

5- introducing the proposed vision to enable handicapped to exercise their educational rights in light of contemporary legislations

The study has explored aproposed vision consisting from the following axis :-

1- the state and ways of supporting empowerment the handicapped for exercising their rights in education

2- the concerned educational institutions and ways of enabling handicapped from their rights in education

3- the international organizations supporting the empowerment of handicapped for their rights in education in light of the contemporary legislations

4- the families of handicapped children and their role in supporting  the empowerment of education for their children
5- the civil society organizations concerned with empowerment the rights of education

6- the legislative organizations concerned with handicapped rights for fair education

key words:- Handicapped - Empowerment - Educational rights - contemporary legislations