Impact of some human activities on the biodiversity of different species of bird at Damietta region, Egypt.

14-11-2017 12:57

The present study aims to assess the impact of some human activities on the bird community. Birds were
sampled, using line transect and point count method, in six different localities on Damietta coast, Egypt,
for 15 months (from July 2007 to September 2008). Species diversity varied spatially and temporally
among the different localities during the study period. Nevertheless, the control site had the highest
richness and abundance, while agriculture site and urbanized site had the lowest richness and abundance
respectively. In contrast, urbanized site recorded the highest species evenness, while sparsely vegetated
fish farm site (deserted and densely vegetated fish farm) had the lowest one. Otherwise fish farm site had
the highest diversity while agriculture site had the lowest one. The different localities had distinct and
characteristic groups of bird species reflecting the different human activities.