07-10-2017 17:51

Tamr (dried dates) has a high sugar content, essential vitamins, and high nutrient density. Dairy products still are the most typical carriers of probiotic bacteria. Six treatments of bio-rayeb milk were manufactured from goat’s milk fortified with 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% Tamr using ABT-5 culture. Rayeb milk containing tamr had lower pH and fat and higher carbohydrate, total solids, dietary fiber, ash, total protein, water-soluble nitrogen, and total volatile fatty acids. Mixing tamr with bio-rayebmilkincreasednutritionalvaluebydecreasingsaturatedfatty acids and increasing unsaturated fatty acids, oleic, linoleic, α-linolenic acids, and antioxidant activity values. The greatest counts of probiotic bacteria(L.acidophilusandBifidobacterium)weredetectedintamrrayeb milk,whichincreasedthehealthyvalue.Therecommendedlevelofbifidobacteria as a probiotic (107 cfu g−1) was exceeded for treatments of tamr rayeb milk and remained above 107 cfu g−1 until the end of storage.Adding10%or15%tamrtogoat’smilkhighlyimprovedthesensory propertiesofrayebmilk.