Relationship of physical efficiency with recovery quickly at the team of Roman and free wrestling University Damietta

08-11-2017 08:09

This study aims to know Relationship of physical efficiency with recovery quickly at the team of Roman and free wrestling University Damietta, The researcher used the descriptive method using the case study to suit the nature of this study. The research community players of the team of free wrestling and Roman University Damietta. The study sample used the researcher method deliberately, by choosing the players of the University of Damietta, both free and Romanian University and participating in the league championship for the year 2016 and the number of players 16 players, and the most important results and found a relationship of inverse correlation between physical efficiency and the speed of recovery using the test lactic acid Romanian wrestlers , And the most important recommendations to measure the physical fitness at the beginning and end of the season, when selecting players to ensure they have good rates of physical efficiency to ensure their access to high levels and achieve tangible progress .

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