Study of Entropy-Corrected Models Using Dark Energy in the Framework of a Complementary Gravitational Field

27-12-2019 04:47

Abstract—The dark energy (DE) model of a complementary gravitational fieldisusedtoaddressthe
entropy-corrected cosmological model. The dominant DE universe can originate from an indirect coupling
between vacuum energy and another complementary gravitational field. This idea is used together with
entropy-corrected models to study the evolution of DE in the universe. The zero point energy is calculated
from one-loop corrections and used to reconstruct the scale factor and the Hubble parameter. It is then
used to evaluate the equation of state (EoS) parameter for both interacting and non-interacting DE and the
cosmic pressure. The square of sound speed, used to assess the stability of DE models, and the deceleration
parameter are obtained. Further, the geometrical statefinder parameters s and r and a new diagnostic
statefinder parameter, om(z), are evaluated and used to distinguish between the energy densities of various
DE models. It is found that the studied cosmological functions show strong variation with cosmic time,
and numerical results show a good agreement with observations.