Design Strategy To Achieve the Visual Identity For Printed Advertising Awareness and Its Impact on Recipient

11-03-2015 08:07

The research handles the possibility of achieving visual identity for advertising awareness of social issues through design positive strategy affect on the receiver and create a positive image of social issue .

Handles studying of the concept of social marketing and its role in the definition to social issues, by identifying the objectives of social marketing, and the importance of applying social marketing in society and forms of social marketing, and the difference between social marketing, and marketing, and methods of using Marketing Mix and moral values ​​that govern social marketing and application of social marketing.

Studying of social marketing  as a communication activity, through identifying communication goals in marketing social issues, and functions communication in marketing social issues, and the elements of communication process associated with the marketing of social issues, and the stages of the process of communication marketing, and amendments behavioral caused by contact persuasive, and factors influential in the communication process social issues