New semiconductor core-shell based on nano-rods core materials

12-04-2020 20:50

The present work describes a remarkable synthetic interest of semiconducting core-shell  anocomposites (CSNCs) contained aluminum oxide. Al2O3@terpoly(aniline, anthranilic acid, and o-phenylenediamine) (Al2O3/PANI-AA-o-PDA) CSNCs were fabricated by the fivefold molar ratio of the appropriate moieties with various quantities of γ-Al2O3 by oxidative polymerization. The formation of the Al2O3/PANI-AA-o-PDA CSNCs was confirmed by spectral characteristics. The feature of CSNCs is core-shell nano-rods structure with sizes 19–39 nm. The recorded σdc is 8.8 × 10−9-4.8 × 10−8 Ω−1 m−1 being in the range of semiconductor materials at room temperature and increases with increasing temperature. The newly fabricated materials were investigated as antimicrobial agents. The setup presents a facile, cheap, novel and beneficial methodology to develop novel CSNCs acquiring the required numerous functionality.