Standard And Harmonic Proportions In Abstract Innovative Movement (Art-Modules) And Using It In Designing Modern Costumes

08-10-2015 08:20

The current paper deals with the study standard, harmonic proportions in the abstract renewable movement (Art Modules), which is characterized by its global , unique style and new, innovative insights.

The research tries to find out the basis and the elements of the design construction in the abstract renewable movement (Art Modules) . One of the most famous artists of this  movement is _Al Held_ who cared for varied rhythm of the design structure, that makes his style unique characterized by third dimension element, the rich colors, the distribution of light and acuute made tranceparency. He created a kind of real space and illusionary space inside the painting aiming at reaching the overall unity.

The research shed lights on the possibility to use the abstract renewable movement (Art Modules) by linking design and costume through reformulating, extracting, developing and modernizing some arte works of its artists in innovative designs for modern costume characterized by globalization.

The paper recommends reconsidering the  scientific content which is taught to the art students in the field of design and costume by tackling the subject with new insights help to innovate and create in fine art ,especially the abstract renewable movement (Art Modules).