\_Textile Printing between the Infinite Essence and the Preciseness of Designing Structure\_

20-07-2016 09:51


_Textile Printing between the Infinite Essence and the Preciseness of Designing Structure_


  Between relative and absolute, and the genius of the time and place, and inspired of the creative mind, Artistic creations manifested in nature and approach to the  philosophical line with the shift modernist to the variables of time, provided that such creations enjoy the genius ambiguity, complexity, brilliance, strangeness, contradiction in the strong state of the dialectic relationship between form and secured by the provisions of the construction design of the other side, who became the general shape which represents the center of decisiveness in nature and what lies behind the artistic values ​​represent the merits of civilization                        .                                                                                                                            

 Today, with the marketing consumption and reproduction automated, Art  audience became massively multi taste, vision, values ​​and understanding of the function of art, in line with the variables age and its requirements, and from the great importance of knowledge and mind material .                               

It is important that the technical and requirements of civilization of the era are compatible, including its content artistic creativity of the artistic values ​​of the side elements civilized on the other hand, despite all the modernity outcome of the variables at the end of the twentieth century, however, that the search for spiritual and material homogeneity issue will continue to be vested in the work and artistic vitality and the depth of his case, which reflect the different issues of the day  .                                                             

  The search creative entities strong consistency and compatibility between the self infinite nature of what lies beyond the creator, and the nature of the provisions of building design in the artwork in general, and in the textile printing in particular, so the focal point of a fundamental structure of textile printing, and philosophy of dialectical relationship between self infinite and the provisions of the construction design, and through the realization of existence and the  self and the spirit of the times in the philosophy  of infinite complexity, based on the formation of creative vision philosophical on compatibility between creative vision and self-endless, and all that is fundamental in the human self.                                                                                                                       

The Reasearch consist of four chapters as follows:

Chapter  I  titled _Pillars of the study_:

This chapter contains a general introduction of  research and then  the research background of the problem and identified a research problem and then dealt with the following

Research hypotheses:

1- The  infinite essence and what lies behind the creative drift in the structure of humanitarian contribute in creating innovative artistic visions are based on digital transformations in textile printing

 2-The figure represents the center of decisiveness in artistic creations based on the structure of the infinite essence and what lies behind them which enriches the visual arts..

Objectives of the reasearch:

The objectives of research, as well as its importance as follows:

The study of infinite essence nature and what lies behind the sense of humanitarian unveils nature and their impact on contemporary art structure.

Research importance

1-The study raises visions of innovative novel is based on the self and what lies in creative visions based on innovative digital transformations in textile printing.

2- The study examines the extent to reach a dialectical relationship between form and content in the technical work based on the infinite nature of the essence and what lies behind it, and how the provisions of the structure design.