كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدني أن أرحب بكم وبزيارتكم لموقعي متمنيا أن أقدم لكم من خلاله صورة معبرة عني وأرجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات هذا الموقع فأهلا ومرحبا بكم.
أ.د/ الشحات ابو مسلم طوسون الفرحاتي، أستاذ الكيمياء الحيوية بقسم الكيمياء - كلية العلوم - جامعة دمياط.

أحدث أبحاثى
* Occupational exposure to gasoline in gasoline station male attendants promotes M1 polarization in macrophages
* Hepatoprotective activity and free radical scavenging against induction of CCl4 in an experimental model using dendronaphthya crude extract loaded chitosan nanocarrier
* Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding/cleavage, cytotoxic, apoptotic, and antibacterial activities of V(IV), Mo(VI), and Ru(II) complexes containing a bioactive ONS‐donor chelating agent

الأبحاث العلمية

effects of alpha interferon therapy on some immunochemical and biochemical markers in hepatitis c virus infection
the egyptian j. of biochemistry and molecular biology, الصفحات 129-138, 2002
د.قدرى عبد القادر مختار البكري د/ الشحات طوسون

some urine enzymes in bilharziasis
third conference on chemistry and its role , ابريل 1994
أ.د.أحمد محمد الوصيف طاره
أ.د.محمد محمد أحمد النجار

hyaluronic acid as a marker of disease progression in chronic hepatitis
Journal of Hepatology 34:166-166 · April 2001
G Shiha · A Attalah · E Toson · A Elwaseef

elevated erythrocyte carbonic anhydrase isoenzyme activities in anemia: lack of correlation with hemoglobin concentration
journal of the medical research institute, الصفحات 210-219, 2001
Essam Karawia & Salem Habib MM Elsharabassy, Elshahat A Toson,Camelia Adly

evaluation of the levels of some minerals in sera of patients with viral hepatitis and bilharziasis
the egyptian journal of biochemistry
Toson EA · Abdel Malak CA · Saad EA

Role of immune system in the antitumor effects induced by treatment of Swiss Albino mice-bearing Ehrlich Ascites cell carcinoma with Pleurotus pulmonauis exopolysccharide
j. molecular biology and biotechnology (national research , 2003
Amira el-fallal, Elshahat A Toson & Ayman Abbas

possible involvement of superoxide dismutase in the antitumor effects of polysaccharide extracted from pleurotus pulmonarius
j. molecular biology and biotechnology (national research institute)
Mahmoud M. Nour El-Dein · Amira A. El-Fallal · EL-Shahat A. Toson · Ayman Abbas -Faten E. Hereher

oxidative stress in patients with hepatic viral infection and other co-exiting liver diseases
alex. j. pharm. sci
MM Elsharabassy & Entsar Ali Saad Elshahat A Toson,Camelia Adly

superoxide dismutase and catalase in some liver diseases
journal of the medical research institute , 2003
MM Elsharabassy & Entsar Ali Saad Elshahat A Toson,Camelia Adly

effects of hepanox treatment on the activities of antioxidant enzymes of rats with nitrosamine-induced hepatocellular carcinoma
the new egyptian j. of medicine , 2004
أ.د.محمد منصور حسانين الشرباصي
إبراهيم الدسوقي على محمد طبله
حاتم عبدالمنعم المزين -

antihaemolytic and antitumor effects of an extract from raphnus sativa with manganese-superoxide dismutase like activity
the egyptian j. of biochemistry and molecular biology, 2005
Ayman Abbas Elshahat A Toson, Salem Habib

segregation analysis of p53, c-myc and dna ploidy using flow cytometry among egyptian families with childhood leukemia
j. med. sci., الصفحات 906-914, 2006

schistosomicidal effects of curcumin
Trends in Applied Sciences Research 1(6):627-633 · June 2006
Mahmoud EL-Sherbiny · Mohamed M. Abdel-Aziz · K.A. Elbakry · E.A. Toson · A.T. Abbas

Discriminant function based on hyaluronic acid and its degrading enzymes and degradation products for differentiating cirrhotic from non-cirrhotic liver diseased patients in chronic HCV infection
Clinica Chimica Acta 369(1):66-72 · August 2006
Abdelfattah M Attallah, El-Shahat A Toson, Ahmad M El-Waseef, Mosaad A Abo-Seif, Mohamed M Omran, Gamal E Shiha

Immune Response on Mice Infected with Schistosoma mansoni and Treated with Myrrh
Journal of Medical Sciences(Faisalabad) 6(5) · May 2006
Mohamed M. Abdel-Aziz, A.T. Abbas , K.A. Elbakry , E.A. Toson and M. El-Sherbiny

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