Sustainable Packaging Design in view of Benefiting from New Technology by Advertising Designer

19-02-2021 20:15


The research deals with the role of the advertisement designer in designing sustainable environmentally friendly packaging that achieves the aesthetic, functional and usability aspect using modern technology while tracking the packaging life cycle starting from raw materials, manufacturing and post-consumption processes, and how to reduce waste and the harmful impact on the environment through sustainable treatment processes, and the research is divided into three Doors through the theoretical and practical sides are as follows:

1- Theoretical framework:

divided into two sections

Part 1:

 It deals with a comprehensive study of packaging between both design and sustainability in two chapters:

Chapter 1:

deals with the study of the packaging between both design and function and includes the concept of the packaging and the functional role of the packages and the study of some important points that should be available to enhance the functional aspect in addition to studying the role of the ergonomics in enhancing the functional aspect of the packages and studying the functional use in designing the packages. By studying the elements and stages of packaging design, with setting special standards for each design element.

Chapter 2:

 The research deals with the study of sustainability between both concept and application by studying the definition of sustainability and the historical development of the concept in addition to its dimensions, objectives and foundations. It also deals with global environmental legislation related to packaging, sustainability and energy and the considerations that should be taken into account when designing sustainable packages.

Part 2:

It deals with the study of the enclosures between sustainability and implementation through two chapters:

• Chapter 1:

deals with studying the impact of sustainability in packaging design by studying natural resources and their types and studying the impact of human behavior on the environment by studying pollution in its concept and types and the life cycle of the food product and packaging as part of the overall supply chain in addition to studying the types of raw materials used in the manufacture of packages and problems Relevant environmental issues with some considerations to be taken when using environmental resources.

• Chapter Two:

 examines the impact of using modern technology in designing sustainable packaging by studying the definition of technology and its impact on the emergence of modern types of smart materials and different and varied forms of technology used in the manufacture of packages and their role in recycling and use processes.

2- Practical framework:

It is divided into two chapters

Part 3:

 It examines the designer's role in creating design solutions for sustainable packaging

• Chapter 1: Analytical Study

 It deals with the analytical study of models that illustrate the designer's role in finding innovative solutions for sustainable packaging by performing a detailed analysis of some models for a selected group of sustainable packaging to show how the advertising designer was able to employ the images of modern technology in designing sustainable packaging





throughout the life of the packaging to achieve both the aesthetic and functional aspects. Usage, sustainability, and the type of technology used.

• Chapter 2: The Applied Study

 It deals with the applied study of models that illustrate the designer's role in finding innovative solutions for sustainable packaging through the work of a variety of sustainable packaging designs and their implementation, taking into account their achievement of the sustainability component and providing both aesthetic, functional and usability aspects while making use of modern technology images in the formation of raw materials or different production methods to reach design Sustainable packaging that preserves the environment and reduces harmful substances throughout the life of the package.


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