كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدنى أن ارحب بزيارتكم وأجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات الموقع فأهلا بكم.
د. سعد رشاد نعمان الشبراوى، مدرس بقسم: الرياضيات، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى
* Compactness Criteria and Spectra of Some Infinite Lower Triangular Matrices
* On the compactness and spectra of the generalized difference operator on the spaces ℓ∞ and bv

المقررات التعليمية

Functional Analysis - 306 Math
By the end of the course the student must be able to: 1. Introduce the students to the field of functional analysis at an early stage of study. 2. Intend familiarize the students with the basic concepts, principles and methods of functional analysis.

Functional Analysis 406 Math
14 محاضرة On completion of this course student must be able to: Study how to do various interesting subjects related to special function. Learn some special functions and its properties. Complete the information of undergraduate students in functional analysis. Cover Many fundamental theorems for normed and Banach, which include Riesz_s Representation Theorem, Banach-Steinhaus Theorem, Open Mapping Theorem and Closed Graph Theorem.

Topology - 307 Math
By the end of the course the student must be able to: 1. Introduce the student to general topology. 2. Form the basis for other courses in pure mathematics and mathematical analysis in particular.

Differential Geometry -401 Math
By the end of the course the student must be able to: 1. Cover the basic theory of curves and surfaces in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. 2. Provide students with an introduction to the subject of differential geometry. 3. Define the first and second fundamental forms and the normal curvature of the surface. 4. Define the basic concepts of partial differential equation. 5. Demonstarte the theory of partial differential equation. 6. Understand various techniques for solving partial differential equations.