كلمة لزائرى الموقع

يسعدنى أن ارحب بزيارتكم وأجو أن تستفيدوا من محتويات الموقع فأهلا بكم.
كاميليا عادلى عبد الملاك، أستاذ متفرغ بقسم: الكيمياء، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى
* Anti-angiogenic targeted therapy in triple negative breast cancer HCC-1806 cell line
* Genetic polymorphisms of TP53 Arg72Pro and Pro47Ser among Egyptian patients with colorectal carcinoma
* Role of some circulating MiRNAs on breast cancer diagnosis

المقررات التعليمية

كيمياء المواد السكرية
Classification ,nomenclature of cabohydrates and biomedical importance. - Monosaccharides(classification,configuration and conformation ) - Cyclic structure of sugars ,chemical properties of simple and derived monosaccharides their biological importance. - Disaccharides,trisaccharides. - Homopolysaccharides :structural polysaccharides(cellulose and chitin),storage polysaccharides (starch and glycogen) Heteropolysaccharides: glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid,chondroitin sulfate,heparin) , glycoprotein: structure and function. - proteoglycans,aminosugars,bacteria cell walls ,gangliosides. - revision &exercises.

طرق فصل المواد البيولوجية
1-Analyzing and reporting experimental data 2-Preparation and properties of solution 3-Chromatographic Techniques 4-Adsorption chromatography 5-Ion-exchange chromatography 6-Liquid-liquid partition chromatography 7-Paper chromatography 8-Thin –layer chromatography 6-Gel permeation chromatography 7-Biospecific chromatiography_Affinity Chromatography_ 8-Hydrophobic chromatography _Special adsorption of affinity chromatography_ 9-Gas –liquid chromatography 10-High performance liquid _ chromatography HPLC and FPLC 11-Specific applications of chromatography on carbohydrates a-Adsorption chromatography of carbohydrates b-Ion –exchange of carbohydrates c-Paper chromatography of carbohydrates d-Gel filtration chromatography of carbohydrates e-Affinity chromatography of carbohydrates f-Gas-liquid chromatography of carbohydrates g-HPLC of carbohydrates Amino Acids a-Ion-exchange chromatography of amino acids b-Thin –layer chromatography of amino acids c-HPLC of amino acids Proteins a.FPLC of Proteins b.Gel filtration chromatography of Proteins c. Adsorption chromatography of Proteins d.Fastpressure liquid chromatography e.Affinity chromatography of proteins . Nucleic acids ,Lipids 12.Electrophoretic Techniques 13.Biochemical preparations 14.Revision

كيمياء البروتينات والاحماض الامينية والفيتامينات
- The amino acids building blocks of proteins , the common amino acids of protein , classification of amino acids, the rare amino acids of proteins , non protein amino acids , the acid-base properties of amino acids . - The stereochemistry of amino acids , absorption spectra, the chemical reactions of amino acids , analysis of amino acids mixtures. - Proteins:covalent backbone and amino acid sequence, the structure of peptides, peptides of non-protein origin, acid-base properties of peptides ,optical & chemical properties of peptides , steps in the determination of amino acid sequences . - Cleavage of disulphide bonds and separation of polypeptide chains, complete hydrolysis of polypeptide chains &determination of amino acid composition ,identification of the N-terminal residue of a peptide , identification of the C-terminal residue of apeptide. - Partial hydrolysis of polypeptide chains with enzymes with enaymes and cyanogen bromide , amino acids homopolymers,separation and analysis of peptide fragments. - Proteins: three-dimensional conformation : ( configuration and conformation,fibrous proteins , the keratins, x-rayanalysis of keratins , the α-helix and the structure of α-keratins and β-keratins. - Ramachandran plot ,β-conformation and the pleated sheet, collagen. - Tropomoysin,elastin,tertiary structure of globular proteins, denaturation of proteins. - Myoglobin, specification of the tertiary structure of globulin, determination of the 3ry structure of globular protein by their amino acid sequence. - The quaternary structure of globular proteins ,heme prosthetic group ,hemoglobin,derivatives of hemoglobin. - Proteins : purification and characterization. - Problems and revision.

- Naming and classification of enzymes , ezymes cofactors,chemical kinetics,the free energy of activiation and the effect of catalysts,Michaelis-Menten equation,substrate constant. - Transformation of Michaelis-Menten equation,effect of ( pH ,temperature ) on ezymatic activity. - Enzyme inhibition (reversible: competitive,noncompetitive and irreversible : enzyme modification) - Quantitative assay on enzymatic activity ,enzyme activity units ,enzyme purification , mechanism , structure,and regulation, substrate specificity of enzymes, identification of functional groups essential for catalysis , factors contributing to the catalytic efficiency of enzymes, some reaction mechanisms at enzyme active sites. - Regulatory enzymes,allosteric enzymes,covalent modulated regulatory enzymes, covalent activation of zymogens. - Isozymes , clinical role of some enzymes, revision and problems. - Naming and classification of enzymes , ezymes cofactors,chemical kinetics,the free energy of activiation and the effect of catalysts,Michaelis-Menten equation,substrate constant. - Transformation of Michaelis-Menten equation,effect of ( pH ,temperature ) on ezymatic activity. - Enzyme inhibition (reversible: competitive,noncompetitive and irreversible : enzyme modification) - Quantitative assay on enzymatic activity ,enzyme activity units ,enzyme purification , mechanism , structure,and regulation, substrate specificity of enzymes, identification of functional groups essential for catalysis , factors contributing to the catalytic efficiency of enzymes, some reaction mechanisms at enzyme active sites. - Regulatory enzymes,allosteric enzymes,covalent modulated regulatory enzymes, covalent activation of zymogens. - Isozymes , clinical role of some enzymes, revision and problems.