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Latest researches
* An Extensive Statistical Study for the Leukemia Mathematical Model using the RVT Technique,
* Nonlinear rarefactive isothermal ion acoustic waves in magnetized ultrarelativistic degenerate plasmas,
* Overtaking collisions of oblique isothermal ion-acoustic multisolitons in ultra-relativistic degenerate dense magnetoplasmas

Scientific Researches

Holographic dark energy models in LTB inhomogeneous universe
J. Astrophys. Astr. 40 15 (2019)
M. Abd Elrashied
Ayman A. Aly
M. M. Selim

A complete probabilistic solution for a stochastic Milne problem of radiative transfer using KLE-RVT technique
J. Quant. Spectr. Radiat. Transfer, 232 54 (2019)
A. Hussein
M.M. Selim

An approximate probabilistic solution of a random SIR-type epidemiological model using RVT technique
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 361 144 (2019)
H. Slama
A. Hussein
N. A. El-Bedwhey
M.M. Selim

Spherical ion acoustic waves in pair ion plasmas with nonthermal electrons
Eur. Phys. J. Plus (2016) 131: 93
M M Selim

Spherical nonlinear ion-acoustic solitary waves in Titan’s atmosphere
Astrophys Space Sci (2016) 361:109
M M Selim

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