Two-Qubit Local Fisher Information Correlation beyond Entanglement in a Nonlinear Generalized Cavity with an Intrinsic Decoherence

15-12-2021 21:02

Abstract: In this paper, we study a Hamiltonian system constituted by two coupled two-level atoms (qubits) interacting with a nonlinear generalized cavity field. The nonclassical two-qubit correlation dynamics are investigated using Bures distance entanglement and local quantum Fisher information under the influences of intrinsic decoherence and qubit–qubit interaction. The effects of the superposition of two identical generalized coherent states and the initial coherent field intensity on the generated two-qubit correlations are investigated. Entanglement of sudden death and sudden birth of the Bures distance entanglement as well as the sudden changes in local Fisher information are observed. We show that the robustness, against decoherence, of the generated two-qubit correlations can be controlled by qubit–qubit coupling and the initial coherent cavity states.