Doct_al Dissertation and M_ter’s Thesis Supervision Committees

07-10-2013 08:56

Doctoral Dissertation and

Master’s Thesis Supervision Committees


Eman El Gohary. (2002). The effectiveness of workplace instruction strategy in developing industrial school students’ linguistic s_s and their attitudes towards learning English. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Heba Khalaf. (2002). The effectiveness of pre-reading for developing background knowledge in EFL preparatory school students’ reading comprehension. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Mahmoud EZZ EL-Arab. (2004). Utilisation des strategies metacognitives pour le development des competences de la lecture critique en Francais chez les etudiants des facultes de pedagogie. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Jehan Basyouni. (2005). A program based on the process approach and learning styles preference to develop EFL prospective teachers’ writing s_s. Ph. D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Wafaa Seeyam (2005). Utilizing portfolio for developing the writing s_s of French department students in faculties of education. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Fawzy Ragab.  (2005). Developing some critical reading s_s in English language in the secondary stage via the World Wide Web. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Hanan Abdel Baki. (2005). A suggested program in the English poetry for developing phonological awareness among EFL student teachers. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Ayman Esseiri.  (2005). A proposed English curriculum based on thinking s_s for developing first-year secondary school students’ oral expression. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Shymaa Abou Eassa. (2006). Using two strategies of questioning for developing the listening s_s of English department students in faculties of education. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Shymaa EL Maghrabee. (2006). Evaluating the prospective English teachers’ instructional performances in faculties of education in the light of STEPS. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Nagat Ali. (2006). A suggested strategy for teaching songs and stories to develop the English language oral performance of the blind pupils. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Enas Farahat. (2006). The effectiveness of a reflective writing program in developing English department students’ writing s_s and metacognitive strategy use. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Nora El La-wendy. (2007). The relationship between forgetting English vocabulary and some variables related to its learning by preparatory school pupils. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Walaa El Hennawy. (2007). Using visualization approach for developing the s_s of reading a literary text among English department students.  M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Eman Emarah. (2008). Using interactive websites for developing English language s_s for computer department students at faculties of specific education. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Faten Behairi. (2008). The effectiveness of a program based on interactive teaching on developing the third-year preparatory school pupils’ oral expression. M.A.Institute of Arab Research and Studies (ALESCO) Cairo, Egypt.


Ranya Shoeib. (2008). The relationships among memory strategy training, learning styles, and primary school students’ achievement in English. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Majed Mohamadein. (2009). The effectiveness of a suggested training program on developing some dictionary use s_s and reading comprehension among the first-year secondary school students. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Nesreen EL Enani. (2009). The effectiveness of a program based upon predictive reading on developing the creative writing s_s of the English department students at faculties of education. Ph. D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Heba Khalaf. (2010). Using computer to train preparatory school pupils on some learning strategies for developing their English language reading comprehension. Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Ayman Esseiri. (2010). A proposed program for developing translation strategies and s_s of English department students in faculties of education. Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Shymaa Abo Eassa. (2011). The effectiveness of using a program based on story-retelling strategy in developing prospective EFL teachers’ oral performance s_s at faculties of education. Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Fawzy Ragab. (2010). The viability of a suggested internet relay chat-based program for developing EFL oral communication s_s of student teachers at faculties of education. Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Ahmad Al Khudary. (2010).The Effectiveness of  A Proposed  Micro Teaching  Based Program on Developing  English Teaching S_s for  Pre – Service Female Teachers at Kindergarten, Ph.D.Al Areash College of Education, University of Suiz Canal, Egypt.


Enas Farahat. (2011). The effectiveness of a proposed cognitive apprenticeship program in developing English department prospective teachers’ managerial s_s, Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Mohamad Al Zulaki. (2011).  An evaluative study if the cumulative authentic evaluation program in English for primary school pupils. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Sarah Naguib. (2010).  The Effectiveness of a Program based on Reciprocal Teaching on Developing Instructional Speaking S_s for English Department Students in Faculty of  education. M.A.Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


Walaa Al Hennawy. (2012). The Effectiveness of a Program based on Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in Treating Written Expression Difficulties among English Department Students at Faculties of Education. Ph.D.Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


Maha Al Baiyaa. (2012).  The Effectiveness of a Program Based on Transactional Strategies in Developing EFL Reading Comprehension S_s for Secondary Stage Students. M.A. Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


Walaa Mamdouh. (2012). Using computer for the treatment of fifth grade dysgraphic pupils studying in primary stage: an experimental study. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education Mansoura University, Egypt.


Hayat El Shamy. (2013). The effectiveness of a suggested curriculum for employing English language in teaching science based on ESP approach at experimental language schools. M.A.DumyatCollege of Education, Dumyat University, Egypt.


 Raafat Salem. (2014). A Web Based Program for Developing EFL students\\\\\\\\_ Listening Comprehension and Critical Speaking s_s.  Ph.D.SuezCollege of Education, University of Suez Canal, Egypt.


Yara Shokri. (2013). The effectiveness of a suggested program based on weblogs in developing some composition writing s_s of the students of English department at the faculties of education. M.A.Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


The effectiveness of a program based on professional development strategies in developing some professional skills of prospective teachers of English. Ph.D. Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


Sara Naguib. (2015). The effectiveness of a program based on professional development strategies in developing some professional skills of prospective teachers of English. Ph.D.

Port Said College of Education, University of Port Said, Egypt.


Rasha Faheem. (Not yet). The effectiveness of phonics and  multi-sensory approaches on remedying decoding difficulties of third graders with reading disabilities and developing their motivation in English language learning .Ph.D.DumyatCollege of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


Eman Emarah. (2015). The effectiveness of _ed vocabulary teaching strategies in developing language performance and academic self-esteem of ADHD primary stage pupils .Ph.D.College of Education Damietta University, Egypt.


Maiyada El Besh. (Not yet). The effectiveness of using authentic materials on developing oral communication s_s of the students studying English at faculties of commerce. M.A.College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.

Nermeen Shalaby. (Not Yet). Using the story telling approach based on visualization for developing creative writing s_s of EFL primary school pupils. M.A.College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


Hanaa Abul Enein. (Not Yet). A proposed program based on cognitive neuroscience for developing EFL prospective teachers\\\\\\\\_ teaching practiceand their attitudes towards it. Ph.D.College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


Nagat Anham. (Not Yet). An instructional _-based translation model for developing translation s_s of English department students in faculties of education.  Ph.D.College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


Mohamad Abdel Raziq. (not Yet). Using humor for developing preparatory stage students\\\\\\\\_ English grammatical performance and their attitudes towards grammar.  Ph.D.College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.

Walaa El Saedi. (Not Yet). Using neurolinguistic programming for developing ADHD primary school pupils\\\\\\\\_ written performance in EFL, M.A. College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.

Rahma Mahmoud El Abbasi. (Not Yet). The effectiveness of neuro-linguistic programming on developing oral communication skills of students at higher institutes of engineering and technology. M.A.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


 Ranya Abdel Haleem. (Not Yet). Developing primary stage English curriculum to improve life skills .M.A.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


 Assad Begheida. (Not Yet). A collocation-based program to reduce mother tongue interference of translation performance of English department students at faculties of education. M.A.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.



 Rasha El Dengawy. (Not Yet). A proposed training program based on Marzano\\\\_s Model of Teacher Evaluation for developing EFL teachers\\\\_ professional performance and students\\\\_ attitudes toward English language. Ph. D.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


 Saad Kamel. (Not Yet). A proposed program based on literature circles for developing secondary stage students\\\\_ reading comprehension skills and attitudes toward studying English. Ph.D.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


 Doaa El Zahdany. (Not Yet). The effectiveness of an enrichment program based on content and language integrated learning (CLIL) in developing gifted secondary graders\\\\_ EFL reading and writing skills.  Ph.D.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.


 Mohamad Al Zulaki. (Not Yet). A proposed program for developing professional performance skills of English teachers\\\\_ supervisors in the light of modern trends. Ph.D.

College of Education, Damietta University, Egypt.
