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أ.د/ وائل فاروق حامد الطيبانى، أستاذ بقسم: الفيزياء، بكلية: العلوم

أحدث أبحاثى

الأبحاث العلمية

1-Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with an arbitrary streaming ion beam
Physics of Plasmas 10, pp. 989-998, April 2003.
S. K. El-Labany
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

2- Modulational instability of a weakly relativistic ion acoustic wave in a warm plasma with nonthermal electrons
Chinese Physics 12, pp. 759-764, July 2003.
S. K. El-Labany
M. S. Abdel Krim
S. A. El-Warraki
W. F. El- Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

3- Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with trapped electrons
Physics of Plasmas 10, pp. 4685-4695, December 2003.
S. K. El-Labany
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

4- Effect of dust charge variation on dust acoustic solitary waves in a dusty plasma with trapped electrons
Journal of Plasma Physics, 70, 1, pp. 69-87, February 2004.
S. K. El-Labany
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

5- Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a dusty plasma with two-temperature trapped ions
Physics of Plasmas 11, pp. 926-933, March 2004.
S. K. El-Labany
W. F. El-Taibany
A. A. Mamun
W. M. Moslem
1 - تحميل الملف

6- On the higher-order solution of the dust-acoustic solitary waves in a warm magnetized dusty plasma with dust charge variation
Physics of Plasmas 11, pp. 3303-3310, June 2004.
S. K. El-Labany
W. M. Moslem
W. F. El-Taibany
M. Mahmoud
1 - تحميل الملف

7- Kadomtsev- Petviashvili equation for dust acoustic solitary waves in a warm dusty plasma with dust charge variation
Physica Scripta 70, pp 317-321, July 2004.
S. K. El-Labany
W. M. Moslem
W. F. El-Taibany
M. Mahmoud
1 - تحميل الملف

8- Contribution of higher-order nonlinearity to nonlinear ion acoustic waves in a weakly relativistic warm plasma with nonthermal electrons
Proceedings of Mathematical and Physical Society of Egypt, 82, pp 131-146, December 2004.
S. A. El-Warraki
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

9- Electron-acoustic solitary waves and double layers with an electron beam and phase space electron vortices in space plasmas
Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) 110, A01213, January 2005.
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

10- Higher-order nonlinearity of electron-acoustic solitary waves with vortex-like electron distribution and electron beam
Physics of Plasmas 12, 032307 (7pages) March 2005.
W. F. El-Taibany
W. M. Moslem
1 - تحميل الملف

11- Propagation of dust-acoustic radiation in cosmic dust-laden plasmas
Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications 38, pp. 205-213, April 2005.
W. M. Moslem
E. K. El-Shewy
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

12-Dust-ion-acoustic solitons with transverse perturbation
Physics of Plasmas 12, 052318 (6 pages) May 2005.
W. M. Moslem
W. F. El-Taibany
E.K. El-Shewey
E. F. El- Shamy
1 - تحميل الملف

13- Dust acoustic solitary waves and double layers in a magnetized dusty plasma with nonthermal ions and dust charge variation
Physics of Plasmas 12, 082302 (9 pages) August 2005.
W. F. El-Taibany
R. Sabry.
1 - تحميل الملف

14-Higher-order contributions to obliquely nonlinear electron-acoustic waves with electron beam in a magnetized plasma
Physics of Plasmas 12, 092304 (9 pages) September 2005.
S. K. El-Labany
W. F. El-Taibany
O. M. El-Abbasy
1 - تحميل الملف

15-Effect of two-temperature trapped electrons to nonlinear dust-ion-acoustic solitons
Physics of Plasmas 12, 122309 (7 pages) December 2005.
W. M. Moslem
W. F. El-Taibany
1 - تحميل الملف

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